Pet service Lansallos

Lansallos held its annual pets service in the church garden with the beautiful backdrop of the cliffs to Lantic Bay. Over 20 people gathered along with 6 wonderfully behaved dogs. There were plenty of treats for our fury friends but everyone else tucked into tea and...

Bodinnick Harvest of the Sea Sunday 25th June 2023

St John`s Bodinnick held their annual Harvest of the Sea Service on Sunday evening. The service was led by the Trelawny Rector, Richard Allen. Bodinnick has a wonderful sea faring tradition nestled on the banks of the Fowey estuary just across the water from Fowey....

Polruan Harvest of the Sea Sunday 18th June 2023

Polruan celebrated Harvest of the Sea with the Polperro Fishermen’s choir. The service was led on the old coal wharf by the Trelawny Rector, Richard Allen. Up to 140 people gathered. We celebrated the fishing harvest of our sea and gave thanks for fishermen...