Polruan Kids Club

Everyone having fun in the village hall. Kathryn Hill organised Pancake making with the children and some traditional pancake...

Lanreath Plough service Sunday 26th February

Lanreath held its annual Plough Sunday event. Its was areal community affair. We were blessed to have two beautiful shires adorned in ribbons to meet and greet us and share with us on the village green afterwards. Over 50 of us gathered for the service in church and...

Lansallos Plough Sunday Service

John Feesey was able to lead a Plough Sunday Service at Tregamellon Farm near Lansallos. A group of parishioners, families and farmers thoroughly enjoyed this traditional agricultural service. Praying that god again would bless the labours of our farming...

Pelynt Plough Sunday Service

Trelawny Rev pictured at West Wayland Farm blessing the plough at the annual Pelynt Plough Sunday Service. We were joined in the barn with the Pelynt Male Choir. The Rev reminded everyone of the importance of looking after the soil which God has gifted us and that...