Pelynt Parish Church shared a family harvest festival at North Muchlarnick Farm which is a working farm and stables. Everyone enjoyed meeting the horses and the cows following the service. The children bounced to their heart contentment on a large bouncy castle and everyone thoroughly enjoyed Pippa our Benefice Administrators hospitality which included delicious cakes. The Rev spoke about three different farmers. The apple farmer who`s apples remind us of the Garden of Eden when Eve was tempted to eat of the apple. The olive farmers who`s olives would eventually be crushed to make oil. The Rev related this to Jesus being crushed for our sins on the cross. Finally the grape farmer who`s grapes remind us of the fruit of the spirit which can be seen in our lives. The three farmers take us in the circle of life. We have all failed but Jesus forgives and then can empower to enable us to bear fruit.
Richard Rector of Trelawny